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A Playbook for Minimizing Closeouts, Overstock, and Abandoned Goods.

Excess inventory in your warehouse is a silent thief. It steals valuable storage space, ties up capital, and can ultimately lead to markdowns and lost profits. Here, we review a comprehensive playbook for minimizing closeouts, overstock inventory, discontinued products, excess merchandise, and abandoned goods, ensuring your warehouse operates at peak efficiency. Excess inventory sitting in the warehouse is costly and takes up too much warehouse space that could otherwise be used for profitable items and new products arriving soon.

Understanding the Problem:

Excess inventory, overstock toys, closeout pet products and excess inventory of lawn and garden products arise from a variety of factors, including:

The Cost of Excess Inventory:

The consequences of excess inventory and discontinued stock are far-reaching:

The Playbook: Strategies for Minimizing Excess Inventory

This playbook outlines a multi-pronged approach to tackling excess inventory and overstock:

  1. Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management:
    • Invest in Accurate Forecasting Tools: Implement data-driven forecasting tools that consider historical sales data, seasonality trends, and market insights to predict demand more accurately. Let’s face it, trying to accurately forecast how much liquidation stock to buy is not easy. Overstock liquidators are busy for this exact reason – wrong predictions about sell through.
    • ABC Analysis: Classify your inventory into A (high-value, fast-selling), B (medium-value, medium-selling), and C (low-value, slow-selling) categories. Focus on optimizing inventory levels for each category, with tighter controls for C items. Selling surplus inventory and getting rid of closeouts is part of running any closeout business. The key is to have enough fires in the iron so that when something needs to be sold off at a loss, it does not affect the entire operation. If 99 product lines are successful and one has to be liquidated for a total loss, it’s only a small problem. But for the company who only has one line and they are forced to sell excess inventory and liquidate everything, it can be a total loss. There are many factors that come into play including the size of the company, how broad the product line is, the original cost of goods, and how much overstock and discontinued overstock inventory is involved.
    • Implement Minimum and Maximum Stock Levels: Establish minimum and maximum stock levels for the closeout items. When stock falls below the minimum, trigger a reorder. Conversely, reaching the maximum stock level should signal a need to reevaluate demand forecasts or consider alternative sales strategies like liquidating overstock products and contacting inventory liquidators.
    • Regular Inventory Cycle Counting: Conduct regular cycle counts to ensure physical inventory matches system records. This helps identify discrepancies and potential shrinkage issues. Any products that have not been selling after 6 months should be identified as liquidation stock and disposed of below cost to make room in the warehouse for new goods arriving.
    • Leverage Inventory Management Software: Invest in robust inventory management software that provides real-time stock visibility, facilitates automated ordering, and streamlines inventory control processes. This is an inexpensive way to monitor excess inventory and overstock products for liquidation. It is especially important in helping identify dead stock if you are keen to clear the warehouse and keen to clear stock from inventory.
  2. Product Lifecycle Management:
    • Optimize Product Assortment: Regularly evaluate your product mix. Identify slow-selling items, closeouts, overstock items, excess inventory, etc, and consider discontinuing them to make room for faster-moving inventory.
    • Plan Product Discontinuations Strategically: Announce discontinuations well in advance to allow for clearance sales and minimize unsold inventory and unwanted merchandise. Offer attractive discounts to incentivize customers to purchase remaining stock before it's gone. There are many options for companies that buy overstock products and purchase liquidation inventory for cash.
    • Negotiate Flexible Ordering with Suppliers: Build strong relationships with suppliers and negotiate flexible ordering options, allowing you to adjust orders based on real-time demand data.
  3. Managing Returns and Abandoned Goods:
    • Streamline Returns Process: Make the returns process smooth and hassle-free to encourage customers to return unwanted items promptly. Consider offering return labels or allowing in-store returns for online purchases. Closeout brokers and closeout websites are very good about accepting returns on liquidated stock and closeouts that consumers don’t want. The business of re-selling returns and overstock closeouts, discontinued products and unwanted inventory is often referred to as reverse logistics.
    • Inspect and Restock Returned Goods: Develop a system for efficiently inspecting returned items. Restock salvageable items after proper inspection and cleaning. For damaged or unsellable items, explore recycling or responsible disposal options such as donating dead stock or giving away free any unwanted products or closeouts that are too difficult to get rid of.
    • Partner with Liquidation Companies: Partner with liquidation companies to manage unclaimed online orders or returns that cannot be restocked. This frees up valuable storage space and allows you to recoup some of the invested capital sitting in dead stock and abandoned merchandise in the warehouse.

Merchandise USA is an inventory liquidator buying closeouts, overstock products, excess inventory and abandoned merchandise. We can help if you don’t understand the liquidation process or how the closeout process works. If you have discontinued merchandise due to shutting down your business, we can help you liquidate the stock. If you are downsizing and moving warehouses, we can be a reliable closeout partner for getting rid of unwanted inventory. We buy closeout housewares, closeout pet products, overstock handbags and wallets, discontinued lawn and garden inventory, etc. If you are looking to offload closeouts and overstock, we can help you.