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Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something.

When I read this for the first time it was intriguing; it had an impact on me. It reminds me of something my Great Uncle used to say; “Sales cures all sins”. This is another fact of business. It’s all about sales and turning inventory to keep the wheels of the business turning. If you look at any company that encountered problems in their business it is likely you can trace the lines back to a lack of sales. Now the decrease in sales may have started due to other things (key people leaving, loss of huge account, health issue of owner, etc), but whatever the case it likely lead to a loss of sales. And this in turn equals trouble.

So clearly the most important thing in business is to keep selling and keep turning goods. This is a great reason to sell old inventory and keep replacing it with fresh goods. Liquidation companies and inventory liquidators can help with this because they are always in the market for discount merchandise. There has even been an increase in demand among deep discount retail chains due to recent Covid lock downs and an increase in consumer savings. If you want to sell your excess inventory this would be a great time to discontinue merchandise, get rid of old stock and clean the warehouse.

Liquidation companies and inventory liquidators have been around for many years. Even in the 1800’s when department and variety stores were beginning to come of age, there were still dealers for discount and discontinued products because there was a need to sell old inventory. It wasn’t until the mid 1950’s that liquidation companies began opening discount retail stores throughout the United States and Canada. These included stores like Walmart, Target, K-Mart, etc that sold lower priced goods that were often special deals purchased from importers, overseas factories, inventory liquidators and liquidation companies.

But you don’t have to be a major big box retailer in order to general profitable sales. The key is to just keep selling and selling as much as possible. Whether that means selling regular first run goods, closeouts and discontinued products, or even if you just want to sell old inventory - keep turning merchandise into cash. If you don’t sell your excess inventory it will pile up in the warehouse and you will miss out on the opportunity to turn your closeouts into cash. Selling your excess inventory is one of the best things you can do for your business because old merchandise tends to take up the most space and have the least value.